Welcome to midlands echo
Welcome to midlands echo
26 - 28 July 2017 Foundation Echocardiography
Registration now open
7-8 September 2017 BSE Examination Preparation Course
(This course will be at Strand Palace Hotel, London)
Registration now open
16-17 September 2017 BSE Examination Preparation Course
(This course will be at Moat House Hotel, Stoke)
Registration now open
Late 2017 4D Echo - a hands on course
Advanced techniques including 4D speckle tracking
High Quality Echo educational courses based in the Midlands
Forthcoming Echo courses:
We are grateful to GE for their support of all our courses
•Foundation Echo
•Advanced Echo
•Exam Preparation
•Tissue Doppler
•Speckle Tracking
•Stress Echo
•Acute Care