Welcome to midlands echo


26 - 28 July 2017            Foundation Echocardiography

                                      Registration now open

7-8 September 2017        BSE Examination Preparation Course

                                       (This course will be at Strand Palace Hotel, London)

                                      Registration now open

16-17 September 2017    BSE Examination Preparation Course

                                       (This course will be at Moat House Hotel, Stoke)

                                      Registration  now open

Late 2017                   4D Echo - a hands on course

                                        TOE and TTE

                                        Advanced techniques including 4D speckle tracking



High Quality Echo educational courses based in the Midlands


Forthcoming Echo courses:

We are grateful to GE for their support of all our courses

  1. Foundation Echo

  1. Advanced Echo

  1. Exam Preparation

  1. Tissue Doppler

  1. Speckle Tracking

  1. Stress Echo

  1. Acute Care